Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day!
Mother's Day is today! :) I'm so happy! My mom is the type of person you'd imagine living in a gorgeous cottage with cats, in France. Haha- so, here are some things I did for my mom: I wrote a mini message and taped it to her door, I gave her the blue fabric magnet (pictured above), an intense pink card, a scented candle called Soft Cotton Blanket, my brothers and I gave her breakfast in bed, and gave her flowers. What did you give your mom? :) Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
OotD- Pretty Pastels
Here is another OotD look! I included my head this time! -I think I'm gonna start wearing sunglasses, cause I don't know what to do with my face... I'm still learning!
But I thought this look was very Spring-Trend appropriate and even though the pictures are bad (and my face looks tired- which it is) I thought this outfit was worth posting.
Blazer- (old), Pink Ruffle Top- (Shop Ko), Pants- (JC Penny)
Shoes- (Sole Envy) -I hate showing my toes haha-
What are your thoughts? How can I improve OotD posts?
Health- Meal Notebook
I have a goal that for this summer, I will be very conscious and aware of what I put in my mouth. Eating healthier is always a positive goal and I believe writing down the things I have eaten is a great way to improve one's daily diet.
Here is a picture of my very old, dirty, but still somewhat cute Meal Notebook I have used in the past. (The page was written in 2010, but it was a good entry haha.) I'm going to start writing in my meal notebook again and see how this summer goes for more healthier improvements. Join me?
Here is a picture of my very old, dirty, but still somewhat cute Meal Notebook I have used in the past. (The page was written in 2010, but it was a good entry haha.) I'm going to start writing in my meal notebook again and see how this summer goes for more healthier improvements. Join me?
(Click to Enlarge)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
What's On My Desk
Here is what my desk looks like (or used to look like. Right after taking these pictures, I rearranged it- haha maybe I'll post an update later in life) :)
I love setting desks, nightstands, shelves, etc.. up. It's just something I find satisfaction in. :) And it's a great place to work on dull homework assignments.
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Left Side: Gotta love phones & lamps! Middle: The zebra box holds my gum!

Right Side: The box holds my post-its, flashcards, paper clips, and stapler.
What's on your desk?
Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time, there was a TV show called "Once Upon A Time." Haha, I absolutely adore this show. It's unique, amazing, intriguing, intense, mysterious... It's so captivating! The finale is next week, and I'm SO excited to see how everything wraps up- or not. I don't know if they'll have another season, but I know I want to get this show on dvd! :)
Is anyone else excited for the finale? What are your thoughts/theories??
My First Blog Nomination!
What?! Already? What joy!-this is incredible. I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Andrea from Cutely-Whimsical! :) Thank you Andrea! This award is for new-ish bloggers who have under 200 Followers- or in my case: under 200 Lovely Ducklings.
-Her blog is adorable, chic, and lovely. Her posts are practically perfect in every way!
I Want These Shoes
I Want These Shoes
-This girl has great blog-post ideas, and always has something new to show us. It's great and girly!
-Sheyla has the most amazing, unique, and original style. Her OotD's are SO cool!
-For anyone going to college (like myself), you'll love this blog! It's different, informative and fun!
-Alicia's fashion is perky, fun, intriguing, and girly! LOVE this girl's sense of fashion!
Go check these ladies out!
Go check these ladies out!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Outfit Of The Day- Animal Print
This is my first outfit of the day! I hope I'm doing this right...
I love this look because it is effortless, sophisticated and unique- but safe.
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(Click to Enlarge)
Leopard/Giraffe Print Tank- Charlotte Russe, Thin Beige Cardigan- forgot,
Dark Denim Jeans- JC Penny
Brown Fringe Bag- Kohl's (braided fringe myself), Brown Cuff- forgot,
Silver Rustic Ring- Charlotte Russe
Light Blue Denim Sneakers- K-Mart
For more future OotD posts, I'll try to remember where the items came from!
What do you think of this first OotD post? :)
What do you think of this first OotD post? :)
It's One of Those Weeks...
Mother Nature's monthly gifts aren't fun, wanted, or convenient. It's a pain and just overall bothersome. But during this uncomfortable 4-7 days, I think some pampering and comfort for ourselves is what makes these days bearable. Here are some things that are helpful for us girls!
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Pillows- I LOVE my big electric blue fluffy pillow
Blankets- cotton blankets and electric-heat blankets are very comfortable.
Pets- My baby Gypsy is the cutest thing! Just look at her! Awhh. :)
Cute Mugs- to drink applejuice
Soup- w/ crackers calms the stomach
Heavy Duty Lip Balm Treatment- (my lips suffer during this week)
Ibuprofen- (pain-relievers in general)
Treats!- I got this 75% off chocolate Easter bunny a few days ago and am saving it for this occasion- which will be soon.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
10 Unique Things I Have
This is stuff that most girls probably don't have. :) Read on! (The spider story is insane!)
Tulip Lamp: It's gorgeous, feminine and has a powerful lightbulb- holy shmoly!
Indian Horse: I got this at age 8, when I was traveling with my family, and we got it in Nebraska.
Yoda Lunchbox: Yes. My H.S. Orch. teacher used some Yoda-sayings during the year, I gave him some Yoda things, and my mom (bless her heart!) got me the same lunchbox for my birthday. Awesome sauce!
Candle Lamp Shade Holder- It's so cute, fun, unexpected, and the lamp shade is the best feature.
Piano Phone- YES! It really works! The keys play different notes! I personally LOVE my piano phone!
Penguin Thingy- It sits by my bathroom sink. I got it from a friend. It's cute. haha
Treble Clef Pencil- It's hard to use the eraser, but the pencil itself is fun and reflects my love of music!
Glass Giraffe figure- My twin bro got this for me. I think it's cute too.
Floral Tea Set- My aunt gave this to me forever ago. It's so girly, cute, and reminds me of her. :)
Spider Gem/Peacock Box (present packaging)-
STORY: In 10th grade, my biology project was to make a huge bug collection. While looking for bugs one night, I saw a huge, long, creepy shadow moving across the sidewalk. I looked closer, and found it was an enormous black widow. The abdomen was shiny, so I knew it was poisonous. My bro caught it in a jar for me. It made a web overnight and the next morning, we saw her stomach and my guess was confirmed: It was a massive black widow.
I decided to keep it as a "pet" and I named her BIG MAMA. I actually adored her, but never opened the jar (bros fed her outside, not me) but while in her jar, I loved looking at her, watching her fiddle with her web, or with her feet... She was really gorgeous and truly massive- beyond giant.
I brought her to my biology teacher soon after and he told me how insanely rare Big Mama's size was. He was impressed that I found her, and if I remember right, he gave me extra credit. Long story short, Big Mama eventually died. My mom got me this beautiful spider gem (a bit smaller than Big Mama) in remembrance of Big Mama and the temporary fun we had together. <3 ya Big Mama!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
20 April Fave-ies!!
This month, I have favored quite a lot of diverse things! Clothes, products, accessories, entertainment... There's a lot here that I have just loved and probably will love for a very long time! Lookie-
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Brown Bag- Fav bag of the moment! Unique, and has fringe that I braided!
Titanic CD- The music is amazing and makes the movie even more so!
Pink Chiffon Lotion- I've favored this lotion at night before bed for a while. Smells amazing!
Green Sparkle Lamp- Got years ago on birthday, beautiful shimmer and lighting on the walls! So pretty!
Denim Top- This kind of shirt looks good on me, I need to find some more looks!
Fructis Curl Shaping Spray Gel- Made the best mermaid/Miley Cyrus waves EVER!
Wet n Wild Nail Polish "Blazed"- Fast drying, amazing color, perfect for summer- I'm hooked!
Taylor Swift CD "Speak Now"- Taylor's voice is sweet, the music is awesome, what's not to love?
Rimmel London Kate Lipstick- All their lipsticks are amazing- highly pigmented and tons of colors!
Pearl/Chain Floral Necklace- Cute, feminine, short (and doesn't swing around you). Fav accessory!
Easter Basket- Easter was great this year! Loved the candy and the egg hunts!
Book: P.S. I Love You- So sad, but so amazingly written- I'm a fan of Cecelia Ahern.
Cat Gypsy- She's my baby! She lives in my room every night & morning! I brush her all the time- it's love!
Blogger: Atlantic-Pacific- Her style is amazing, fab, modest, and colorful. It's the style I love most!
Sonny With a Chance- Demi had some hilarious moments on that TV Show. Loved her!
Princess Diaries 1 & 2- Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews- perfect duo for 2 amazing chick flicks!
Josh Groban CD "Awake"- His voice is like none other. This CD is a hardcore fav of mine.
Peach/Tangerine/Mango Lotions- I'm attracted to these scents, colors, and fruits. Soooo good for summer!
Crepes with Apple Butter- My family makes phenomenal crepes! Best family/French recipe!
End of College Semester- Who doesn't love finishing up classes/finals and start planning summer fun? :)
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