Saturday, May 12, 2012

Health- Meal Notebook

 I have a goal that for this summer, I will be very conscious and aware of what I put in my mouth.  Eating healthier is always a positive goal and I believe writing down the things I have eaten is a great way to improve one's daily diet.
Here is a picture of my very old, dirty, but still somewhat cute Meal Notebook I have used in the past.  (The page was written in 2010, but it was a good entry haha.)  I'm going to start writing in my meal notebook again and see how this summer goes for more healthier improvements. Join me?
(Click to Enlarge)


  1. Haha, I can't remember a time where my cafeteria ever did good veggies. This is such a great way to get healthier I did this a couple of years ago for a school project :D

    1. I started writing things down after I saw Blair's video about it. :) And yah, cafeteria food is rarely edible. lol

  2. The notebook is really cute! I used to write down my meals, too! :)
